Star Wars Round Up: AGE of Rebellion, X-Wing Mini Game, new d20 rules

It is a dark time for Star Wars role-playing games. There’s no official role-playing game being released, and fan-generated content for older games is tapering off. Fortunately though the Order 66 podcast continues to pump out new content for Saga Edition, there’s a new AGE-powered Rebellion Era playtest document, and an X-Wing miniatures game from … Read more

Star Wars Round Up: Starships, Dragon Age, Rodney Thompson interviewed

It’s been a long time since I did a Star Wars RPG round up — unfortunately without an active campaign I find it’s all to easy to let the months slip by without searching the internet for material. For my part, my campaign isn’t entirely dead. I ran a Star Wars: Saga Edition one shot … Read more

Game Day: The Saga Ends

After 47 chapters, 10 episodes, and 2.5 years, our Star Wars: Shadows of the Force campaign has come to an end. What started with a fight against pirates on the jungle world of Zebulon Prime ended with against grey market salvagers in the depths of a planetary nebula. In between we saw the rise of … Read more

Star Wars Roundup: New Starships, Threat Detected Podcast, Battlestations

For years, Order 66 was the only Star Wars: Saga Edition podcast. Now there are two, thanks to Threat Detected, a show dedicated to playing through the Dawn of Defiance campaign. In other Star Wars RPG news, resumes publication with write-ups for the VCX-700 Heavy Courier and the HWK-290 while Dice of Doom tries … Read more

Radio Active #85: War of the Pod People

Spring is looming larger, but just incase it gets waylaid by a late-winter storm, I decided to have a spring-themed surprise party for my wife. In geekier news, I started up a “Gamer Working Group” at my dayjob and re-launched my gaming group’s web site. There are no netheads in this show, but don’t worry — you’ll still be able to feed that net addiction with a round up of the podcasts I’m listening to.

Star Wars Roundup: Mysticism, Chevin, Vehicle Rules, Dragon Age Adaptions

A round of Star Wars RPG-related posts and web links, including Sterling Hershey’s “Star Wars Wednesday” posts about “Adventuring in the Tree”, “Running Published Campaigns” and “Species Creation”. There are also revised vehicle design rules for Star Wars d6, an adaptation of the AGE system from Green Ronin’s Dragon Age RPG, a love letter to … Read more

Star Wars Roundup: Dathomir Witches, Clone War Source Books, Skill Challenges

It’s been a while since I did a Star Wars roundup, but thankfully the rest of fandom has continued churning out content in recent months. I think this is essential for Star Wars role-playing to carry on; many times when an RPG goes out of print, players move on to other, better supported games. Star … Read more

Star Wars: Scum and Villainy

Han Solo and Chewbacca

Scum and Villainy is an essential source book for those running a Star Wars: Saga Edition game on the fringes of galactic society, whether that’s trolling for would-be passengers in a Mos Eisley cantina, smuggling spice out of Kessel, or engaging in piracy against the Galactic Empire.

The book does for crime what the earlier Starships of the Galaxy did for starships and space combat, providing scoundrels, bounty hunters and outright criminals with a host of new game rules and options for running a campaign that interacts with the galaxy’s dark underbelly.

Star Wars RPG Round Up: Pop Culture, Campaign Planning, Starships, WotC archive

My Star Wars: Saga Edition game has hit the summer doldrums, as our Friday sessions fall victim to August vacations, Musikfest, and back-to-school crush. We’re about three-quarters of the way through our Mandalorian Interlude story arc (in which we’re all playing Mandos in the opening days of the Mandalorian War), and while it’s been fun, … Read more

Star Wars: The Storm Dragons of Tarl

The storm dragons are magnificent creatures hunt the hurricanes of the storm world of Tarl. The Outer Rim planet’s binary stars provide a constant source of energy for its moisture rich atmosphere, giving rise to an unending series of cyclones. The dragons constantly ride these storms, hunting the great airbag herbivores that dwell in storms’ eyes and battling each other for arial supremacy.