Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide

A close-up view of Starkiller, with two blue-white lightsabers held up to either side of his face.

Basing a source book on a video game can be a risky business, particularly when that game is an uneven, occasionally gimmicky shooter like The Force Unleashed video game. You run the risk of alienating diehard Star Wars fans who scoff at the idea of Vader having a hidden student, while at the same time running out of content because of the game’s lack of depth. Fortunately The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide avoids all of this.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars Campaign Guide

Three white-armored clone troopers stand against an orange background.

Civil war engulfs the Republic! Throughout the galaxy Separatist droid armies battle Republic clone troopers and their Jedi generals while Sith Lords manipulate both sides from the shadows. The Clone Wars Campaign Guide for Star Wars: Saga Edition chronicles this era, chronicling the major factions, detailing force powers and talents from the era, and introducing new options for followers and mass combat.

Star Wars Legacy Era Campaign Guide

The villains of the Legacy era.

A hundred years after the Battle of Yavin, the New Republic is ash, crushed by a resurgent Galactic Empire and it’s Sith allies-turned-usurpers. Darth Krayt sits upon the throne, maintaining his power by forsaking the Rule of Two and anointing a half-dozen Sith Lords. A ragtag fleet of Republic ships thwarts his will, as does the Roan Fel, the deposed emperor who resists the Sith from the Imperial home world of Bastion.

Jedi Academy Training Manual

Assorted Jedi wield their lightsabers.

The Jedi Academy Training Manual looks to be the definitive sourcebook for Jedi and Force-using characters in the Star Wars: Saga Edition Role-Playing Game, introducing new force powers, talents, lightsaber forms, rules for holocrons, variant lightsaber crystals, alternative Force traditions, monstrous opponents and exotic locals.

Star Wars Rebellion Era Campaign Guide

Lando Calrissian and his alien co-pilot Nien Nunb are profiled in the left side of this image. To the right the Millennium Falcon and a flight of starfighters soar past.

The Rebellion Era is one of Star Wars most iconic settings. Paradoxically, this can make it one of the hardest to write a campaign guide for. Much of the setting was covered in the Star Wars: Saga Edition core rule book or covered in supplements like Threats of the Galaxy and Scum and Villainy. The Rebellion Era Campaign Guide addresses this by doing its best to document the unexplored corners of that galaxy, far, far away.

Star Wars: Galaxy at War

Star Wars is about conflict. From the Mandalorian Wars to the Rebellion to the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, war defines each era, and the characters roles within in them. Galaxy at War is a Star Wars: Saga Edition source book that puts players on the frontlines of these wars, offering new warlike (or wartorn) species, feats and talents, a martial arts prestige class and an arsenal new weapons and vehicles.

Star Wars: The Essential Atlas

A blue-white map of the Star Wars galaxy depicting star systems and trade routes.

Star Wars: The Essential Atlas is the best source book never released for any edition of the Star Wars RPG. While Del Rey is publishing the Atlas as a general interest reference book, it’s beautiful maps, graphical timelines, and planetary write-ups make the book an excellent for gamers, regardless of whether they’re playing d6, Saga … Read more

Star Wars RPG Roundup: Dec. 2012

It’s been a good year for Star Wars fans. Disney bought Lucasfilm, and announced that a new trilogy — with some of the original actors, but without George Lucas directing — will kick off in 2015. We also saw the return of Star Wars gaming with a slew of new releases from Fantasy Flight Games: The Star Wars card game, expansions for the X Wing miniature combat game, and finally a new Star Wars role-playing game.

The Unknown Regions

An assortment of aliens in the foreground; U-shaped spacecraft in the background.

The Unknown Regions is the final sourcebook for Wizards of the Coast’s Star Wars: Saga Edition Role-Playing Game. The book serves as a placeholder for all the books left unpublished, and promises to carry players to the unexplored corners of the Star Wars galaxy. It does this by venturing into The Unknown Regions to explore what fans know — the Chiss, the Rakata and the Sorcerers of Rhand — and plenty that they don’t.

The Unknown Regions details eight worlds created just for the book, introduces a planet generator that game masters can use to make their own, and debuts creature generation rules to populate them. Since Scouts are essential to exploring these brave new worlds, they get a variety of feats and talents, and because no final frontier should be without its dangerous challenges, the book re-envisions “Hazards” as Dungeons & Dragons Fourth Edition-style threats that require a combination of brawn and skill to defeat. The end result is a toolkit that gives players everything they need to continue their adventures beyond the last book in the Star Wars Saga Editions line.

Galaxy of Intrigue

Skill challenges were the best thing to emerge from our Dungeons Dragons 4th Edition mini-campaign, and when we started playing Star Wars: Saga Edition, we pieced together our own version of the rules. We based them on 4E’s examples, the skill DCs established in Scum and Villainy, and personal experience. The end result created some of the most memorable moments in our campaign, including the heroes’ disastrous attempt to escape a proto-star nebula.

Galaxy of Intrigue formalizes these ad hoc rules by creating a Skill Challenge system for Saga Edition that improves the 4E iteration in every way. The source book introduces new feat and talent options for skillful characters, nine new species (including the Bith, Defel and Neimodian), an entire world dedicated to intrigue, eight mini-adventures, and the “The Perfect Storm” campaign.