Dark Sun Creature Catalog

A dragon king stands on a stone ruin.

The sun-blasted, magic-scarred campaign setting of Dark Sun is unlike any other published for Dungeons & Dragons. It inverts or eliminates many of the core concepts of D&D: arcane power is rare, psionic abilities are rampant; Halflings are cannibals, dwarves are slaves, and elves are opportunistic, lying traders. The world itself – known as Athas … Read more

Can you survive arcane wastelands of the Dark Sun Campaign Setting?

A female warrior with a crude sword and shield stands against an orange-yellow desert background.

The Dark Sun has risen again on the parched, magically devastated world of Athas, bringing with it the new rules and mindset of Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition. First introduced in the early 1990s during D&D 2nd Edition, Dark Sun was meant to be a brutal, unforgiving dark fantasy setting unlike anything the game had … Read more

Harrowing Halls: Taking Dungeon Tiles to the 3rd Dimension

Star Wars miniatures make their way up a tile-based staircase.

Harrowing Halls is a Dungeon Tiles set for Dungeons & Dragons that takes the long-running line to new heights. That’s because they’re not just dungeon tiles … they’re three dimensional dungeon tiles that can be used to build a staircase, raised platforms, tables, and pedestals, all of which player characters can jump on, leap off … Read more

Looking for Dark Sun web sites

Dark Sun, the grim, post-apocalyptic fantasy setting for Dungeons & Dragons is re-launching this summer for D&D 4E. In honor of that, I’m writing my next “Summon WebScryer” column for Knights of the Dinner Table about Dark Sun … but I need your help. I need web sites dedicated to the setting. I’ve found a … Read more

Explore Your Draconic Side with PHB Races: Dragonborn

For decades Dungeons & Dragons players have wanted the ability to play as a dragon. Any DM worth his screen knew that it was a bad idea to give a player that kind of power. Dragons were monsters after all. So other alternatives were created. The half-dragon, the dragon blooded, even the sorcerer class was … Read more

Game Day: Return to the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth

Two adventurers battle a reptilian monster that is breathing lightning at them.

After many months away from the game, my group is returning to Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition for an old school dungeon crawl through the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth using the D&D 3.5 version released in 2007. I’ve got mixed feelings about this. While I owned the Lost Caverns as a kid and read through … Read more

Exploring D&D Battlefields with Microsoft Surface

Ever since Chewbacca defeated R2-D2 in holochess, geeks have wanted a virtual table top for their games. Things have taken a major step in that direction with SurfaceScapes, a proof-of-concept app for Microsoft surface created by students at Carnegie Mellon University. It’s based on the D&D 4th Edition rules, and those who’ve seen it are suitably impressed:

For those who haven’t seen it before, Microsoft Surface is a sort of digital coffee table; it’s got a large, flat touch sensitive screen (kind of like an upsized and hard-to-move iPhone. SurfaceScapes puts an interactive map on the Surface, which you can interact with by moving around specially designed miniatures. All of the rules you need to run the game (e.g. movement, powers, etc.) are built into the game, and you can interact with your character through a handheld device (e.g. an iPod touch or smart phone).

Embrace Nature with D&D 4E’s Primal Power

In the revision of Dungeons and Dragons that is Wizards of the Coast’s 4th Edition, Power Sources have been created as the explanation for why the heroes of the game are so, well, heroic. As an example, the quintessential Wizards of the game can cast the spells that are their raison d’être because they can … Read more

Elemental Chaos awaits in D&D 4E’s The Plane Below

When I ran my 4E D&D playtest campaign, I decided to make it larger than life. That meant going planer. The churning unpredictability of the planes, the potential for exotic locations, the alienness of its inhabitants calls to my imagination. The Plane Below: Secrets of the Elemental Chaos, which details 4E’s churning elemental wastes, is … Read more

Return to print with the Dragon Magazine Annual

I’m one of those who loves the printed word. PDFs are handy, but when it comes right down serious reading, I want my books and magazines culled from dead trees.  As such, I was happy to see a review copy of Dragon Magazine Annual show up in my inbox. Although my D&D 4E playtest campaign … Read more