Off the Bookshelf: Fractions, Words of Radiance, Shards of Honor

Two warriors face off in a desert land broken by plateaus. In the distance, an orange/yellow storm rages.

My annual vacation to Lake Champlain is still a ways off, but I’ve begun attacking my summer reading list with a vengeance. I’ve completed one book — Shards of Honor by Lois McMaster Bujold — have have launched into two more: Fractions by Ken MacLeod and Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson. I’ve also found one of the books on my list is caught in the Amazon/Hachette crossfire.

Summer Reading List 2014

Hellboy, all red with a full set of demonic horns that radiate golden light, sits against a black background.

Summer is coming. It’s bringing with it alien worlds, starship battles, ancient mysteries, and sequels. Lots of sequels. No, I’m not talking about movies — I’m talking books, specifically my Summer Reading List for 2014.

Off the Bookshelf: Ready Player One, Creative Fire, Way of Kings Re-Read

Two warriors face off on a vast plateau. In the background there is a vast skyscape, the left side filled with a storm cloud, the right with a sunset.

Late winter and early spring are my long dark teatime of the soul when it comes to books: I want to read, but I just don’t have time (or when I do have the time, the motivation) to do so. Fortunately, I have audio books, a daily commute, and a dog that needs walking. All of these combine to insure that I keep reading in the winter months.

Off the Bookshelf: A Memory of Light, The Bowl of Heaven, The Way of Kings

Two warriors face off on a vast plateau. In the background there is a vast skyscape, the left side filled with a storm cloud, the right with a sunset.

It’s spring and I’ve been trying to get back in shape in anticipation of three months spent coaching my daughter’s softball team. This in turn has led to a resurgence of book reading as I download new audio books to listen to while working out at the gym or taking the dog for 45-minute walks.

Summer Reading List 2012

A spaceship descends through a planet's atmosphere.

Summer’s come and gone and so has my annual summer reading list. I blogged about the “prelist” back in the spring, but never got around to posting a formal list to Nuketown even though I put one together on GoodReads. Here is is, complete with status: 2312 by Kim Stanley Robinson Caliban’s War by James … Read more