Without a doubt, the big news Star Wars this month is the announcement that Wizards of the Coast is not renewing its Star Wars license and is ending the Star Wars: Saga Edition RPG and Star Wars Miniatures product lines. It’s a sad day for Star Wars gamers but I suspect that the game will continue to have a small but fierce following in coming years, just like West End’s d6 Star Wars does.
In happier news, Galaxy of Intrigue was released in late January, and we have one more source book — The Unknown Regions — before the end of the line
WotC Role-Playing Game.
- Wizards of the Coast’s Official Star Wars line termination announcement
- “So Long, And Thanks For All The Mon Calamari” – Lead developer Rodney Thompson’s thoughts on the end of Star Wars: Saga Edition.
- Galaxy of Intrige preview: A preview of the new espionage/diplomacy centric source book that also introduces skill challenges into Saga Edition
- GameCryer.com: Galaxy at War review: My review of the Galaxy at War source book.
Blogs & Forums
- Nuketown.com: Thoughts on the end of Star Wars: Saga Edition: My take Wizard’s decision.
- Order 66: Re: Future of SWSE: Fan reaction to the end of the license.
- [Primetime Adventures] Star Wars: The Sith Triumvirate – Episode 02: It’s not Saga Edition but it’s a cool take on Star Wars all the same.
- NewbieDM: It may not look like much, but it’s got it where it counts…” Thoughts on play-by-post Star Wars.
- RPGBlog2: Friday Discussion: End of the Star Wars License: Lots of indifferent shrugging from West End Games fans here.
- Star Wars Saga Recap: 1/17/2010: A rundown of a Dawn of Defiance play session.
- Travel in my Star Wars and D&D Games: Part of the January blog carnival regarding travel in RPGs.
- Order 66 Episode 94 – One Shot Wonder: The feature this week is on how to design and run a one-shot game, whether its for a convention or as something different for your gaming group. Lots of good advice.
- RPG Buffet 1 (Star Wars Saga Edition) [mp3]: The All Games Considered crew tries out Saga Edition and likes what they find.
Homegrown content
- Saga-Edition: Expert Assassin: A talent that allows assassins to make a ranged coup-de-grace attacks against an unsuspecting target.
- Soresu Sweep [lightsaber form]: A lightsaber form feat that allows you to deflect multiple blaster shots with a single sweep of your lightsaber. Given the potential effectiveness of this feat, I’m thinking the base DC should be higher, but we haven’t tried it yet.