Radio Active #104: Rewind and Reload

Radio Active Podcast

On this episode of Radio Active … well, it’s been a while. So let’s look back and where we’ve been and take a look at where we’re going. It’s a mix of bad news, good news, and geeky news, so get ready for the info dump.

Nuketown News

  • Good-bye, Dad
  • NeutronLad is an Eagle Scout!
    • Completed his project in the fall, which was building agility ladders for Seeing Eye puppy clubs.
  • Eclipse ’24 in Vermont
    • Freaking awesome.
    • Movie eclipses can’t compete with reality.
  • Two kids in college. Whoa.
    • NeutronLad is officially a first-year student.
    • StarGirl is in her senior year.
    • Yeah, we’re empty nesters. Or something close to it.
  • Nuketown got an overhaul.
    • Makes it easier to promote projects and recent content.
  • Oh, and I left twitter.
    • Don’t worry, you can still find me on Dice.Camp. It’s more fun there anyway.
  • Leave us a review at Apple Podcasts!

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