Follow Friday Archive

An ongoing archive of Nuketown’s Follow Friday updates.

Social Media Instances – My favorite Mastodon instance. It’s like a never-ending summer camp for RPG fans, where the conversation is fun, the ideas are engaging, and everyone’s building weird projects out of popsicle sticks.

Editors & Writers – Writer, editor, and host of the Eating the Fantastic podcast, in which talks about speculative fiction with friends and interesting folks over lunch. He’s also my one-time editor at Science Fiction Weekly (a weekly webzine from the days before became

Gamers – Morrus has been writing about Dungeons & Dragons for 20 years, and I think I’ve been following him the entire time. – My good friend and co-host on the Lair of Secrets podcast, enterprise developer, and (of course) a gamer. – Prolific RPG designer, writer, and co-host of Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff (that’d be Ken Hite).

Podcasters – One of the original sci-fi podcasters, from the down of podcasting (early 2000s), now a fiction curator at The End (which describes itself as a directory of fiction podcasts, audio dramas, audiobooks, and radio plays … with an emphasis on completed fiction).

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