Fallout 2d20: Meet Steve NuGunnar

Back when the new Fallout series debuted on Amazon Prime, the Lair of Secrets crew geeked out about how good the series was … and about the possibility of running a Fallout 2d20 campaign.

That led to David Moore putting together a Fallout adventure as our next actual play for the podcast. After doing a 1st level playlets, we decided to go with 3rd level characters. That gives our characters a few more options, including ranking up skills and adding more perks (which are like perks in the video game, and serve a similar role to feats in D&D or edges in Savage Worlds).

Steve NuGunnar, Vault-Tec Security Veteran

  • Name: Steve NuGunnar
  • Job: Vault-Tec Security Veteran
  • Origin: Vault 91

Steve ventured onto the surface as part of an elite 91er Product Testing Force. His goal: determine the field effectiveness of the NuRay 3000 ™ laser pistol.

Trained in its use, with an understanding of the science that make it possible, he strode confidently out onto the surface of the irradiated Earth. Vault 91, located in upstate New York, outside of Albany, was surrounded by vibrant and enthusiastic plant growth and inhabited by all manner of mutants, scrappers, and deranged robots.

Unfortunately for Steve, he only got to fire the NuRay 3000 once before he was knocked out by a roaming band of “free traders” led by the ghoul Thriftway.

Using his trusty NuWar UltraStandard ™ multitool (overlooked by the traders in their excitement of having found a functional laser pistol), he dismantled his bonds, snuck around the camp while the traders took turns drinking some foul concoction and firing off his pistol, gathered the rest of his gear, and escaped.

Since then, he’s been doing his best to track Thriftway and his mercenary profiteers. His goal? Recover the NuRay 3000 ™, complete the field test, and return triumphantly to Vault 91.

Marketing blurb for Vault 91

War never changes. At NuWar(tm), we know it’s because people just aren’t trying hard enough.

In our VaultTec enclave, we train the next generation of citizen-warriors in paradigm shattering battle tactics using our proprietary FutureGen(tm) strategies.

Developed over 30 decades of regime changing engagements by FutureNow(tm) consultants and field researchers, FutureGen(tm) represents the epitome of postmodern warfare research.

After decades of training in our HigherGround(tm) simulators, consuming our perfectly calibrated BattleBars(tm), and mastering our EvolveForward(tm) weaponry, those Communist bastards won’t know what hit them when our NuWarriors(tm) return to the surface.

NuWar(tm). Conflict Perfected(tm).

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