RPG a Day 2022 – When were you first introduced to RPGs?

A view of two dozen role-playing game books.

My mom got me the Dungeons & Dragons Basic Set (the Moldvay boxed set, to be specific) sometime in 1981 or ’82. It’s hard to say exactly when; the Moldvay edition was released in 1981, and the next revision didn’t come until 1983. I got it sometime between those two dates. The exact timing doesn’t … Read more

RPG a Day 2022 – What is a great introductory RPG?

A view of two dozen role-playing game books.

The answer to what makes for a great introductory RPG depends on what your goals are. Are you looking to get people hooked based on a well-known brand? Are you looking for exciting game mechanics to draw them back to the table? Are you looking for a straight forward game mechanic that’s easy for non-gamers … Read more

RPG a Day 2022 – Who would you like to introduce to RPGs?

My initial thought was … no one. I already introduced Dungeons & Dragons to my kids, and frankly, it feels like everyone my age who wants to be playing role-playing games is playing role-playing games. Except, as I dig into that thought a little more, I realized I’ve got options (if not time). RPG Dinner … Read more

Zine Month 2022

A collection of zine cover art

It’s February, which means snow, long days that are slowly getting shorter, and zines. So many zines. For the last three years, Kickstarter promoted ZineQuest, a celebration, and promotion of print and PDF zines for role-playing games. This year, Kickstarter moved ZineQuest to August to coincide with GenCon. That left a vacuum in February, which … Read more

RPG-a-Day 2021: Trust

Covers for Delta Green and Tales from the Loop

I have to admit, when the various consent and safety tools started coming out for role-playing games, I was a little skeptical. After all, my group’s been together for 25 years; the issues these tools are meant to address rarely if ever, came up in our games. Playing together for 25 years means my group … Read more

RPG-A-Day 2021: Medium

Cover art from a variety of Call of Cthulhu and Delta Green books

Cthulhu called, and I answered. Chaosium’s signature game was one of my first non-Dungeons & Dragons games. My friend Adam introduced it to me in college when he invited me to a one-shot scenario involving a haunted house investigation. ted house. Was there a medium in that adventure? I don’t recall, though we certainly spent a … Read more