Find RPG News With an Attitude at OgreCave

Ogre Cave ( is a multi-person blog offering news and commentary about speculative fiction gaming in its myriad incarnations, from board games to role-playing games to card games. The site’s updated several times a week (and occasionally, several times a day) with short news updates, such as White Wolf Games lawsuit trying to stop Sony’s … Read more

My Top Five All-Time Unfulfilled Dream RPG Campaigns

I watched High Fidelity the other night with my wife. It’s a movie in which the main character, played by John Cusak, is a music geek in love with vinyl. The movie’s peppered with his top five lists (both of music and break-ups) and it got me thinking about my own top five lists with … Read more

Quick Thoughts on the Jump to D&D 3.5

I got my latest issue of Dragon yesterday and discovered its section dedicated to a “countdown” to the revised edition of D&D, which is supposed to be released this summer. The new release includes revisions and tweaks based on customer feedback, rules integrated from the various handbooks, and about 25% new material. I’m ambivalent about … Read more

Getting the most use out of NPC Classes in D&D 3E

3rd Edition Dungeon Master’s Guide introduces five new non-player character classes (NPCS) to the game which provide Dungeon Masters with some non-adventuring options for the common (and uncommon) folk of their campaign. This article, inspired by a debate on the Greytalk listserv about the merits of having dedicated NPC classes, looks at how I use them to enhance combat, role-playing and meta gaming in my campaign

Crystal Ball Looks Into the Future of Mac RPG Tools

Crystal Ball is a robust RPG aid for Apple’s Macintosh OS. Created by Joseph Sharp, the program runs under both Mac OS X and the older Mac OS 9. The tool is built to support Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition and includes tools for creating characters and monsters, tracking combat, calculating experience, creating names, rolling … Read more