Blogworthy: Conclusions, Star Trek Card Game, Grand Pyramid, Spelljammer, Floorplan Generator

Star Trek game cards laid out on a blue/black starscape.

A Satisfying Conclusion: Gnome Stew looks at strategies for ending your RPG games, be they convention one-shots or multi-year campaigns. How a Star Trek card game quietly continues, 10 years after its official end: I played a few rounds of the Star Trek Collectible Card game by Decipher back in college. Though fun, I never got into it. … Read more

Bunnies and Burrows, 3rd Edition Kickstarter

Geeks of a certain age remember the novel Watership Down by Richard Adams, which told the story of a desperate band of rabbits fleeing their doomed warren. Geeks of perhaps a slightly younger age remember the movie based on the book … and the nightmares it gave a generation. As a 46-year-old Gen Xer, I fall into … Read more

Blogworthy: Sane Mornings, Tachyon Rockets, Library Maps, Player Help, Random Tables, Ulaa Battles

A coffee cup featuring the X-men appears on a green counter top.

Blogworthy is a regular column dedicated to blog posts that I’ve read and enjoyed. It’s a direct outcome of my RPG Blogs Reading List on Feedly. How I Keep My Mornings Sane: Berin Kinsman talks about his electronics-free, relaxing morning routine. I’m looking to revamp my own morning routine, so this was a worthwhile read. … Read more

#RPGaDay2018 – Share why you participate in RPG-A-DAY

A close up view of the spines of numerous role-playing game books.

There were a couple of reasons. Re-establish a writing routine: New content’s been spotty on Nuketown for the last couple of months. A big reason for my participation was getting back into the groove of writing every day. I don’t know if I’ll keep it up in September, but I accomplished my goal of posting more regularly. Reconnect … Read more

#RPGaDay2018 – Share something you learned about playing your character

A close up view of the spines of numerous role-playing game books.

As I’ve gotten older, I think the characters I’ve enjoyed the most are the ones who’ve grown organically during the game, becoming something I didn’t quite expect when I sat down at the table. Briggs Foehammer: I expected my character for our Heart of Darkness online campaign to be a paragon of the new dwarven … Read more

#RPGaDay2018 – Share a friendship you’ve had because of RPGs

A close up view of the spines of numerous role-playing game books.

My gaming group, the Blackrazor Guild. Over the last 22 years we’ve fought demons, slain dragons, burned down a city (not on purpose), and accidentally let demons invade our hometown (also not on purpose). We’ve also gotten married and had kids. A few of us have gotten divorced and married again. We’ve dealt with health … Read more

#RPGaDay2018 – Share whose inspiring gaming excellence you are grateful for

A close up view of the spines of numerous role-playing game books.

Mike Mearls. The D&D 5th Edition co-creator’s posts about lunchtime gaming inspired my own lunch-time campaign. His work on Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition is a big part of what brought my gaming group back to the venerable RPG. Ken Hite and Robin Laws: Their podcast Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff is a constant source of … Read more

#RPGaDay2018 – Share a great stream / actual play

A close up view of the spines of numerous role-playing game books.

“Get the hell off my lawn and take your damn streaming video with you.” I muttered when I saw this topic in the #RPGaDay list. “If I had time to watch someone else play video games, don’t you think I’d be playing the damn games myself? Live streams. Pah. Actual play. Pah. A gamer craves … Read more

#RPGaDay2018 – Your gaming ambitions for the next year

A close up view of the spines of numerous role-playing game books.

My overarching ambition is to continue making time for games. It’s difficult, with the day job, marriage, one kid in high school, the other in middle school, the day job, and all of the activities that go along with them. We’ve got Boy Scouts, marching band, softball, baseball, Seeing Eye Puppy Raising … it’s a … Read more