Game Day: The Weird Pulp Website

A tentacled horror emerges from a well. A male hero is caught by tentacles while another male hero shoots a gun at the monster. Further afield, a female investigator casts a spell against the creature.

I’ve been creating campaign websites for most of the Blackrazor Guild websites since 1996. We have an extensive wiki for our Greyhawk campaign and experimented with blogs for our Mutants & Masterminds and Star Wars campaigns. Blogs had been difficult to use because they’re oriented more towards serial writing and less about publishing (and extensively … Read more

Game Day: Lunchtime Numenera

Inverted pyramid-like stone monoliths float in the ping-blue mists of a mountainous region.

My lunchtime campaign has transitioned from Dragon Age to Numenera. Two of us backed it in the Kickstarter, and the others were sufficiently intrigued to want to playtest the game. As I wrote before, my regular gaming group ran an extensive playtest of Numenera that involved two adventures spread out over several real-world months. With … Read more

2014: A Year of Transitions

A red dragon prepares to breath fire.

This month’s RPG Blog Carnival topic is “Transitions”, and it’s particularly appropriate for my group in 2014.

One of our players just took a job out of state and another welcomed his third child into the world. We’ve just started a Savage Worlds playtest, which might lead to our first non-d20 campaign … ever. Dungeons & Drgaons 5th Edition is looming over August, and I expect we’ll at least do a playtest once it’s released.

Game Day: A Death in Numenera

We finished our second game of Numenera with our first character death. Talos, an Intelligent Nano Who Employs Magnetism, died at the tentacles of an alien horror while exploring a subterranean ruin. The survivors of the expedition, Deegan (a Stealthy Jack Who Commands Mental Powers) and my character, the Scorn of Dread Nazaar (a Stealthy Nano Who Exists Partially Out of Phase), did their best to fend off the beast, but when Talos fell, they fled to the surface.

Game Day: Numenera Likes and Dislikes

A crystal-like monolith hovers over a river valley.

I’ve played through the first Numenra adventure as a player with my Sunday group, and we’ve just launched into our second full-blown adventure. Meanwhile I’m prepping to run the same introductory adventure for my lunchtime group. I’ve played Numenera enough to know I like it … but I don’t love it.

Game Day: Numenera

It’s finally here. Months after getting our Numenera books we’re finally running our one shot (or maybe double shot) adventure. I think it’s safe to say that — scheduling snags aside — we’re all very excited to play the game.