Game Day: A Death in Numenera

We finished our second game of Numenera with our first character death. Talos, an Intelligent Nano Who Employs Magnetism, died at the tentacles of an alien horror while exploring a subterranean ruin. The survivors of the expedition, Deegan (a Stealthy Jack Who Commands Mental Powers) and my character, the Scorn of Dread Nazaar (a Stealthy Nano Who Exists Partially Out of Phase), did their best to fend off the beast, but when Talos fell, they fled to the surface.

Game Day: Numenera Likes and Dislikes

A crystal-like monolith hovers over a river valley.

I’ve played through the first Numenra adventure as a player with my Sunday group, and we’ve just launched into our second full-blown adventure. Meanwhile I’m prepping to run the same introductory adventure for my lunchtime group. I’ve played Numenera enough to know I like it … but I don’t love it.

Game Day: Numenera

It’s finally here. Months after getting our Numenera books we’re finally running our one shot (or maybe double shot) adventure. I think it’s safe to say that — scheduling snags aside — we’re all very excited to play the game.

Game Day: Rise of the Atomsmashers

When I use the #gameday hashtag for my Sunday tweets, it’s usually about gaming groups weekly board or RPG sessions. When the rest of the world tweets #gameday, it’s usually about football. I’ve finally joined their ranks. A few guys at work got together and formed a fantasy football league of eight teams led by … Read more

Game Day: Out of Darkness

Two adventurers battle a giant spider in an underground cave.

Second Darkness is ending. Our first-ever Pathfinder adventure path campaign, began in September 2011 and is concluding about two years later. We played Pathfinder every two weeks, the exception of the occasional schedule cratering by holidays and summer vacations. We worked our way through the entirety of the first three books in the series, but … Read more

Game Day: Dawn Over Numenera

A sealed dome with strange alien structures inside it towers over a nearby town.

With our Second Darkness campaign on hiatus for a week my gaming group decided to try out Numenera, Monte Cook’s new game of science fantasy set 1 billion years in the future. Numenera is one of the lead contenders for our next RPG campaign, with three members of the group participating in the Kickstarter and another pre-ordering the core rule book.

Game Day: Wandering off the Adventure Path

A massive underground city -- its towers illuminated purple -- fills a blue-green cavern.

My Second Darkness Pathfinder campaign is rapidly approaching its climax. The heroes recently started Book 4: Eternal Night but, as is often the case with my group, they quickly went off the proscribed path. Far off the proscribed path.

It illustrates one of the big lessons I learned while running an adventure path.