Fallout 2d20: Meet Steve NuGunnar

A man in a blue Vault-Tec jump suit, accompanied by a German Shepherd dog, head toward a ruined city scape.

Back when the new Fallout series debuted on Amazon Prime, the Lair of Secrets crew geeked out about how good the series was … and about the possibility of running a Fallout 2d20 campaign. That led to David Moore putting together a Fallout adventure as our next actual play for the podcast. After doing a 1st level playlets, we decided to … Read more

Farewell to Google Jamboard

A combination battlemap and meme-inspired artboard

Google Jamboard, a virtual whiteboarding solution that the company coupled with an expensive real-world display, is shutting down. Google is turning it off on October 1, 2024. It never got traction in the virtual or real worlds, but it has a special place in my gaming heart for how we used it with Gamer Working Group … Read more

Entering the Matrix of Cyberpunk RED Campaigns

Cover art for the Tales of the Red source book, one of the tools for my Cyberpunk RED campagins

As we move into summer, I’m gearing up for two Cyberpunk RED campaigns – one a Lair of Secrets actual play campaign and the other a supplemental campaign for the Blackrazor Guild. The Lair Cyberpunk RED Campaign The Lair of Secrets campaign is a long-0time coming – my co-host David and I started talking about it after GenCon 2022 … Read more

Meet Ben Bouchard, Spooky Hunter for Monster of the Week

Andy McGee from Firestarter holds his hands to the sides of his head, while blood drips from his nose. The inspiration for my Monster of the Week character

After three years of  Dungeons & Dragons and Fast and Furious GURPS, my lunchtime gaming group is changing gears and playing Monster of the Week. Monster of the Week is a Powered by the Apocalypse game inspired by series like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Supernatural, and The X-Files … all of which are very much in my wheelhouse. Players take on … Read more

Invoking the Elemental Apocalypse

A collection of Dungeons and Dragons rule books, as well as a black notebook with a dragon logo.

Twenty years ago, the Temple of Elemental Evil rose, Oerth fell, and the Elemental Apocalypse began. Vortexes of power – unleashed by factions loyal to the four elemental princes – devastated the world with concurrent apocalypses; city-shattering earthquakes, nation-drowning tidal waves, forest-consuming infernos, and punishing hurricanes. Gods died, slain by the ascendent Elemental Princes who … Read more

Follow Me to Dice.Camp!

A screenshot of my Dice.camp profile, including a recent post about Mutant Crawl Classics.

Dice.Camp is a Mastodon-based alternative to Twitter built around role-playing games. With Elon Musk’s chaotic neutral leadership style playing havoc with Twitter on a daily basis, many of my online friends have migrated to this and other Mastodon-based social media alternatives. You can find me there as @nukehavoc. I also post frequent updates for the … Read more

Mothership RPG Adventures

Mothership Role-Playing Game Logo

Mothership is a rules-lite, science fiction horror RPG inspired by the likes of Alien and similar creature features.  I backed the 2021 kickstarter, and while I wait for the boxed set to arrive, I searched for introductory Mothership RPG adventures to run with my friends (or at my local convention, MEPACon). Thanks to the Mothership RPG Discord, I … Read more

Futzing About

Three Rulebooks: Dungeon Master's Guide for D&D, Gaslands Refueled, and Cyberpunk Red

Over the last few weeks, I’ve had a growing desire to take a day and futz about with my various RPG projects. I mentioned this to a few of my friends, who looked at me quizzically. They were unfamiliar with the term “futz about” (or the alternative usage, “futz around”). The Free Dictionary gives two definitions: … Read more