NT Redesign 2011: Evolutionary Wireframes
I love wireframing. It’s like playing with LEGOs — you can build anything, hate it, tear it down, and then start all over again at a moment’s notice. The idea’s simple enough — create the barebones design for your web site, focusing on the user interface without getting bogged down in graphics, colors and arguments over whether the hyperlinks should be underlined or not.
Attached as PDFs to this post are my initial tier one and tier three “evolutionary” wireframes for the Nuketown redesign. These aren’t a radical change from what we have now, but they accomplish a number of my design goals, including integrating microcontent into the home page, creating some new advertising options the (the skyscraper ad on the home page, the box add on the tier 3 page), a place to show case projects/features, and columns for exposing content like top rated stories and comments. It also gets rid of the login forms in favor of a login link in the primary nav (the sidebar login is something I hate in the current design) and cleans up the layout.