Geek Tree 2017

Three ornaments - Darth Vadar, the wizard Gandalf, and the starship Enterprise - appear on a Christmas tree.

The Geek Tree is back and its brighter and louder than ever. Expanded to a 9′ tall narrow tree in 2016, this year’s Geek Tree includes a new power 2017 ornaments from Hallmark as well as older 1990s-era ornaments that my parents gave me. To learn more about the Geek Tree and its previous iterations, … Read more

The Geek Tree

A close up shot of a starship ornament in an evergreen tree. Another starship, blurry in appearance, is in the background.

What is the Geek Tree? It’s a Christmas tree with a speculative fiction theme. And what’s speculative fiction? Speaking broadly, it’s a genre comprised of science fiction, fantasy and horror, though in the case of the Geek Tree, it’s primarily sci-fi. The tree is re-built annually by Ken Newquist, Nuketown’s editor.

Researching Gamer Food Options

An assortment of vegetables and fruit including carrots, squash, oranges, and strawberries.

As most gaming tables I’ve been at people arrive toting Mountain Dew, chips (usually Doritos) and maybe some kind of tip. The healthiest options I typically see are pretzels or a craft beer of some kind. My own gaming group has swung between extremes; when we’ve been on a collective health kick, veggies, hummus, and … Read more

Game Day: Back to the Borderlands

A close up view of adventurers fighting goblins.

As I wrote last week, the Blackrazors and their children will be running through the venerable module B2: The Keep on the Borderlands as part of our D&D Kids campaign. We’re playing D&D 5th Edition, and are running a version of the module updated for that edition. We chose B2 for a couple of reasons: … Read more

Game Day: The Next Generation

A keep, with high walls and towers, stands against a vibrant red, yellow, and orange background.

The next generation of Blackrazor Guilders have strapped on their fathers’ swords, sat down at the gaming table, and begun slinging dice. We have three kids (two boys, one girl) in the immediate group who want to play, and we have two of my son’s friends (both boys) who are also eager to start casting … Read more

Geek Tree 2015

This close-up of the 2015 edition of the geek tree features IKEA star lights, the Borg Cube, and Luke Skywalker in his Bespin outfit.

The Geek Tree finally has an angel.

For years, the topper of the geek tree — my personal ode to speculative fiction in Christmas tree form — had a Santa Yoda at the tree topper. Yoda was great, and I’m sure he’ll return to his place of honor eventually, but this year I had a true angel … a Weeping Angel from ThinkGeek.

Geeky Christmas Vacation 2014

Oversized dice with dungeon maps on them sit atop an RPG manual. Nearby is a stack of comic books.

Christmas Vacation is finally here. After long days and longer nights of working to make sure everything got done before I left the office, it’s Christmas Eve, the college is closed, and I think I can relax. I’m off from December 24 through January 4, and we’ve got all manner of family fun planned, including watching Guardians of the Galaxy with my parents (something the kids are eager to do) and some family skiing (which I’m eager to do).