208 lbs: Down with the Sickness

I spent the last week coughing and hacking (and taking care of equally sick kids) instead of going to the gym. The upside to all the phlegm though is that I didn’t have much of an appetite, and as usually happens when I’m sick, I lost some weight. In fact, I’m now down to 208 … Read more

212 lbs: A Dozen Pounds Gone

Slow and steady wins the race, or so they tell me. I’m at 212 lbs now, down from a starting weight of 224. The promised land of wearing pants 36 waist has been reached, though my old 36 jeans remain a little tight. I expect they’ll be just fine once I hit 208.

215 lbs: 9 Down, 25 to Go

The headline pretty much says it all: according to the gym scale, I’ve now 215 lbs. It was something of a surprise — I haven’t been hitting the gym as hard as I should have been the last week (going something like 3 out of 7 days) but I’ve still been watching what I eat and walking to working so I was still able to make some progress.

I’m switching to rabbit food (with an occasional helping of humus and some Triscuits) for lunch, which is undoubtedly healthier than my normal roast beef sandwich. Combined with drinking water instead of Coke, I’ve probably cut 350 calories out of my daily diet with that change.

218 and Falling

In the two weeks since my last fitness post I’ve started to see some improvement as measured by the gym scale: I now weigh 218 lbs., down from 224 on August 30. I’m approaching the eagerly anticipated “36 Waist” threshold. This isn’t quite the monster milestone it may seem; my 38 jeans were always a … Read more

The Quest for Geek Fitness

Douglas Adams died at the gym. If geeks ever needed an excuse to avoid the gym, the death of the grandmaster of science fiction humor would do wonderfully. But geeks have never needed any excuses to avoid the gym, having come up with dozens on their own.

After all, we’re not athletes. It’s not that we don’t love games. We’ll play anything — card games, board games, role-playing games, war games even live-action role-playing games — as long as it doesn’t require some sort of physical activity on an actual turf playing field. The reasons for this are legion, though for me personally it’s a combination of bad habits picked up in high school (where a nerd in the gym was a ripe target for ridicule), laziness (after all, I used to go biking every morning when I was a teenager) and a sincere desire to do something more intellectually compelling (in this, I am not alone).

Open Thread: Geeks & Fitness

As a whole, Geek Nation isn’t the healthiest group of people around. We eat too much junk food, we sleep too little, we work too much on computers, and we almost never exercise. That’s the perception, and looking around at my friends and myself, I think there’s a lot of truth to it. I for … Read more