Blogworthy: Strange Worlds, Racing to Stay Alive, Ancient Stars, Dyslexia D&D, Camping, The Matrix as a Trans Metaphor

‘Star Trek: Strange New Worlds’ Returning To Planet-Of-The-Week Stories & TOS Optimism, Says Alex Kurtzman – Yes, please! Invisible rogue planets without stars? NASA’s new space telescope could find hundreds of them – Speaking of strange new worlds, NASA is looking for some. Racing to Stay Alive – When I run, I just run. I don’t give a … Read more

The Trail to Philmont, June 2020

The long, winding trail to Philmont continued in June as I launched into training for a 10K race. I don’t have a particular race in mind, and given the state of the COVID-19 world, it’s likely any race I do will be virtual. That said, this is very much a journey-before-destination sort of thing, so … Read more

The Trail to Philmont, May 2020

May started with our trip to Philmont being canceled. We moved our reservation to 2021 in the hopes that we’ll be able to travel (and hike) by then. The challenge used to be getting ready for a 60-mile backpacking trip by June; it became staying motivated when that trip is now more than a year … Read more

The (Extended) Trail to Philmont, April 2020

April was the countdown to the inevitable. We knew mid-month that Philmont Scout Ranch would update their COVID-19 strategy on May 1 and that announcement could mean the end to our 2020 backpacking trek. Throughout April, NeutronLad and I maintained our Philmont routines and started thinking about how we could kick them into higher gear … Read more

Searching for Geek Fitness Blogs

I’m looking for fellow travelers on the road to geek fitness, specifically geeky blogs that talk about fitness or blogs that discuss the intersection of geek culture and getting fit. These don’t need to be hardcore fitness blogs, or blogs only dedicated those two topics. I’m looking for sites like Nuketown, which cover a variety … Read more

The Trail To Philmont, March 2020

We started actively training for our big 12-day backpacking trip to Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico in January, and got into a good groove in February. And then everything changed. During the first half of the month, we maintained our regime of working out three times a week as a group, but by the middle of the month, … Read more

Starting on the Trail to Philmont

My son and I are headed to the Philmont Scout Ranch in Cimarron, New Mexico in six months. Once there we will spend 12 days backpacking with other scouts from NeutronLad’s troop. In total, three adults and six scouts are going. We’ll be backpacking approximately 60-80 miles while at Philmont. The variability comes from the … Read more