Podcamp Philly 2007

I’ll be in Philadelphia today for Podcamp Philly 2007 at Drexel University. In addition to meeting up with Doug of Geek Acres and some other Pennsylvania podcasters, I’m going to be attending a number of sessions; here’s my tentative schedule: 10 a.m.: Thinking Like a Producer: What we’ve learned so far making MarylandZoo.TV. 11 a.m.: … Read more

GenCon 2007: The Big Pile of Loot

GenCon is over. And now I’ve got a huge pile of loot sitting in my gaming room, just waiting to be read. Amazingly, there’s not a single Dungeons & Dragons book to be found among the stack, not even the Expedition to Castle Greyhawk, which I was sorely tempted to buy, but resisted at the … Read more

GenCon 2007, Day 4: Sundered Skies and Chessex Dice

As the morning sun shone on the final day of GenCon I arrived at my last game of the convention, a Savage Worlds game taking place in a post-apocalyptic fantasy setting called Sundered Skies. After liberating a dragon from the deathly bonds of necromancer, I returned to the exhibition hall to complete one final quest: … Read more

GenCon 2007, Day 3: Star Wars, Exhibit Hall, Savage Pirates, RPG Podcast Party, Mall Zombies

I woke up far too early on Saturday to get to an 8 a.m. Star Wars d20 game. The game let out early, which gave me time to wander the exhibit hall until exhaustion sent me retreating to my hotel room … only to be called back by a phone call from Erilar about a … Read more

GenCon 2007, Day 2: Battlestar Galactica, RPG Podcasters, Solomon Kane

Thursday’s D&D 4E buzz subsided by Friday morning, though a bunch of the special 4E t-shirts could be found in the convention hall. I will say there weren’t nearly as many as when 3E was announced in 1999, though admittedly the t-shirts for that edition were much, much cooler (listing all the major changes being … Read more

Gen Con, Day 1: Spirit of the Century, Godlike, D&D 4E

The big buzz around the con today is the anticipated announcement of Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition, when the game will arrive, how it will be different from 3E, and what this means for the hobby. And that’s just what I heard while waiting in line for coffee. Then again, maybe they should have just … Read more

4th Edition is Coming?

Looks like Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition is coming; there’s an GenCon event at 6:30 p.m., Aug. 167 in the Sagamore Ballroom. In the meantime, the Dungeons & Dragons home page is a countdown clock labeled “4Dventure”. I was at the 3.0 announcement in 1999, and that makes me want to go to this event … Read more

The GenCon Survival Pack

It’s been five years since I’ve been to GenCon. A lot has happened since then — the convention’s moved from Milwaukee to Indianapolis. I’ve had two kids. I’ve changed jobs. And I’ve found myself wanting to play games that aren’t Dungeons & Dragons. I’ll end up carrying about as many books as I did for … Read more

Nuketown at GenCon: The Schedule

My schedule for GenCon is coming into phase with reality as I figure out exactly what games I’ll be playing, who I’m meeting with, and when I’ll be doing it all. The biggest changes to my schedule are the addition of Spirit of the Century and Battlestar Galactica at the expense of my Dungeons & … Read more

My GenCon 2007 Schedule

The first day of GenCon registration was a frustrating, aggravating experience that took an hour and a half to complete, with most of that time spent trying (and failing) to “check out” and purchase my events. I’d be astounded by just how badly registration behaved … if I hadn’t heard how it took hours to complete registration last year. Instead, I’m just disappointed by a process that clearly needs some quality time with some load-testing specialists.