Skill challenges were one of the few things that everyone in my gaming group liked about Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition. Thought it had its issues in its initial iteration, Star Wars: Saga Edition further refined the idea, and we used it to great effect. It’s a subsystem I was sad to see missing from 5th Edition, but we quickly began hobbling together our own iterations for the edition, and we’re not the only ones.
R P Davis wrote up a cool 12-page treatment of skill challenges on Dungeon Masters Guild called, simply enough, “Skill Challenges in 5e”. It provides an introduction to ideas introduced by the 4e mechanic and explains how to adapt them to the current edition. Tim Bannonck has a spot-on review of the supplement, which also includes a series of links to other 5e skill challenge resources.
If you’re looking to implement skill challenges in your 5e game, but need some help determining the right odds for the skill difficulty classes, check out Think DM’s Skill Challenge Odds Calculator. It’s a Google sheet that lets you set DCs for checks, set a skill bonus, and then it tells you the odds of the PCs successfully completing the task at hand.
Tor asks the question “Can the Marvel Cinematic Universe Actually Support a Multiverse?” in response to the multiverse tease in this summer’s Spider-man: Far From Home. Writer Emily Asher-Perrin takes a look at the challenges Marvel’s had maintaining one universe … and how its potential multiverse might take shape (and be coherently be maintained)
Speaking of multiverses, Tribality offers a two-part series offering otherworldy intrusions into World of Greyhawk.
“Greyhawk – Shadowfell” looks at places where the dark realm could infect Oerth, such as the Blood Obelisk of Aerdy, Cave of Deadly Shadows, the Dim Forest, and Valley of the Mage. “Greyawk – Feywild” does the same for the verdant magical lands, with locations such as The Pinnacles of Azor’alq, Welkwood, and the Singing Stones.
Earlier this summer, in our own world, scientists attempted to figure out if there’s a mirror universe to our own as a way of explaining unexpected weirdness in the breakdown of neutrons during an earlier experiment. There’s no word on whether they succeeded.
Project Daedalus and its fusion drive fascinated me as a kid. I’m guessing it fascinated Elon Musk as well. The man behind SpaceX spent some time speculating about using nuclear rockets for spaceflight.
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Mysterio from Spider-man: Far From Home. Credit: Marvel.