Last-second Tourist Snapshot of WTC Plane Faked

The dramatic photo that depicts a blissfully unaware tourist smiling for a snapshot moments before a hijacked 767 smashed into Tower 1 of the World Trade Center is a hoax. It’s amazing what a jackass with too much time and access to Photoshop can do. This photo is a fake that plays upon the public’s … Read more

Wired, A Harsh Mistresses, Mercury Rising, and Panamanian Tailors

The Nuff’s Inbox (Nuff stands for “Nuketown Founding Father”, otherwise known as me) is a new feature I’m adding to serve as a sort of catch-all for all the miscellaneous stuff that crosses my desk, but doesn’t make it into Nuketown. It’ll be published about once a week in Nuketown’s News Hub section. Magazine: Wired … Read more

In Defense of Liberty

A terrible tragedy befell America on Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001. Let’s not make it worse by stripping away the freedoms that make this country great in a vain effort to achieve security.

Did Nostradamus Predict the 9/11 Attacks?

News reports say America’s intelligence agencies had no warning that terrorists were going to seize four planes and use them to launch devastating acts of war against New York City’s World Trade Center and the Pentagon. They should have been reading their Nostradamus — the cryptic old sage predicted the attacks. Or so says a … Read more

Waging War Against Unimaginable Terror with Delta Green

The stars are almost right. Alien creatures out of time and mind have infested our world, making dark packs with national governments that trade sanity-rending secrets for a freehand in human experimentation. At the dawn of the 21st century only one force stands against the vast conspiracies ensnaring America: Delta Green.

The Morality of Gas Price Spikes

In a few places around the country, gas prices have shot through the roof, in large part because of rumors that gas prices were shooting through the roof. Folks are scrambling to get gas, drastically increasing the demand for a product that is in limited (if re-fuelable) supply. Some folks are decrying this as profiteering, … Read more

“Old Navy Baby 14” threatens to trash hard drives through Instant Messenger

A e-mail hoax claims that a nefarious AOL user named OldNavyBaby14 is stalking the backwoods of America Online’s Instant Messenger, IMing people and then thrashing their hard drives into digital oblivion. Fortunately it’s a hoax. Here’s the original e-mail: This version was collected on July 30, 2001: Please, pass it on…… A MEMBER OF AOL … Read more

Bonsai Kitten Hoax Site Horrifies Animal Lovers

For a stretch of time in the early 2000s, outraged animal lovers around the world filled their friends’ inboxes with e-mails decrying the Bonsai Kitten, a website allegedly selling custom-shaped cats. Inspired by bonsai plants, the website claimed its kittens were raised inside specially-designed glass bottles while their bones are still young and malleable. After … Read more