Is Harry Potter Satanic?

For the last few years — ever since the Harry Potter books became immensely popular — there has been an e-mail circulating online claiming that the adolescent wizard is in liege with Satan, aka the Prince of Darkness. In the books, there is a division between those who wield magic and those who don’t. The … Read more

‘Bugbear’ Hoax Urges Windows Users to Delete Harmless Jdbgmgr.exe

An e-mail hoax is urging folks to find and delete the harmless “jdbgmgr.exe” file from their Windows-based computers. This self-induced minor lobotomy kills the Java Debugger Manager — which really is represented by a teddy bear icon — can cause certain Java applets (small programs in their own right — to act buggy. It’s not … Read more

Spider-Man Swings To The Top

Believe the hype. Spider-man is a solid superhero movie that deserves the skyscraping profits its earned since it’s opening weekend. Geeks know the story: Peter Parker is a nerd and borderline genius who gets bitten by a radioactive spider, and thus gains arachnid like super-human powers, including great strength, the ability to climb walls, and … Read more

Celebrate International Gamer’s Day

June 1st is “International Gamer’s Day, as proudly proclaimed by Knights of the Dinner Table and its legions of rabid fans (ok, they’re not rabid, but they are darn enthusiastic). According to the fan site, the now-annual event was spawned last year by members of Kenzer & Co (publishers of Knights of the Dinner … Read more

Knights of the Dinner Table Launches Online Strips

Fans of Knights of the Dinner Table can now get a weekly web-fix while waiting for their monthly editions to arrive. Kenzer & Co. are posting original KODT strips to their Web site three days a week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday). Check it out. Dork Tower, Sluggy Freelance and KODT online? Who could ask for … Read more

Nuketown Closing Fiction Section in July

Nuketown is closed to fiction submissions. After June 2002, the fiction section will be closing down (although it will live on in the archives) and it is not likely to re-open any time in the near future. This does not mean that Nuketown itself is shutting down. The rest of the webzine will continue on, … Read more

Save the Children! Ban Video Games!

Nothing makes me more nauseous than cries for government intervention in order to “Save the Children”. The latest effort to promote an ever-more paternalistic government comes from California Democrat Joe Baca, who’s introduced legislation making it a crime to sell graphically violent or sexually explicit video games to kids without parental consent (as reported in … Read more

The Horror that Came to GenCon

I don’t know if it’s a question of overconfidence in computers, a dumbass move by Hasbro to save money, a decision by WotC to skimp on an event that they’re washing their hands of next year, or simply bald-faced incompetence, but preregistration for this year’s GenCon sucks. I’ve been to GenCon three times, and I’m … Read more

Elementary, my dear Watson

The net’s a big place. Watson helps make it smaller. Produced by a California-based company called Karelia Waston is a sort of specialized search engine for the Mac OS X operating system that offers 16 tools designed to provide a simpler, more productive interface for the immense treasure trove (and accompanying wasteland) that is the … Read more