Piss Off a Liberal: Buy Something

I wasn’t planning on buying anything today – I don’t like going to the mall to begin with, and Black Friday is exactly the sort of shopping frenzy I do my best to avoid. So instead of heading out to the malls for the biggest shopping day of the year – and secure in the … Read more

I’m Still Surprised

I spent Saturday working on three canvas posters for the baby’s room with my wife Sue, my brother-in-law Dave, and his fiancee Wendy. We worked on them for hours, and actually got quite a lot done. And not once did I have even the slightest clue of what awaited me Saturday night. Dave and I … Read more

Mac OS X Jaguar Roars to Success

Jaguar, the latest iteration of Apple’s Mac OS X operating system, offers greatly enhanced compatibility with Microsoft Windows, a superb spam-killing e-mail program, and numerous minor improvements. The previous release was 10.1, and while this one is formally known as 10.2, it offers far more than the .1 incrimination of its version number implies. Apple … Read more

The Mighty Mac Mouse Myth

As a Mac user, I get a fair amount of flack from PC folks. Some of it was about the toilet-seat design of the original colorful iBooks (hey, I agree – those things looked awful). Some of it was aimed at processor speed (I admit it – PCs have faster processors, although gap isn’t nearly … Read more

Nuketown Endorses Libertarian Ken Krawchuk for Pennsylvania Governor

It’s that time of year again – time to research the candidates, step into the voting booth, and cast a vote and hopefully change Pennsylvania for the better.

Pennsylvania’s biggest race is for governor. From the major parties we’ve got Democrat Ed Rendell, former mayor of Philadelphia, and Republican Mike Fisher the state’s attorney general. The Libertarian candidate is Ken Krawchuk. I don’t know – and don’t care – who the Green candidate is.

At the start of the campaign, I didn’t have any particular strong feelings against Ed Rendell, aside from my typically moderate, knee-jerk dislike of Democratic policies. Since then I’ve had the chance to read up on Rendell’s history in Philadelphia, which isn’t quite as momentous as the Democratic party would like to be believe. He did some good work down there, but his refusal to deal with the public education crisis in the city and his failure to significantly cut taxes will insure that no matter how much time he bought the city, eventually the flight of the middle class from Philly to the suburbs will continue.

Mozilla: The King of All Browsers?

Mozilla is the open-source monster spun off by Netscape in a desperate attempt to harness the passion of thousands of Microsoft-hating geeks to build a better browser. It took years longer than anyone anticipated, but they finally got the code to the point where it could be released, thus spawning the lackluster Netscape 6.0 browser. … Read more