MonkeyMan935 Stalks Women Online

The SlaveMaster e-mail has returned to stalk the Internet, this time donning the persona of “MonkeyMan935” in an attempt to scare uninformed men and women. Like its predecessor, the MonkeyMan935 e-mail is a hoax. To date, we’ve captured two versions of the new hoax: Date Captured: Nov. 6, 2002 The state Police are warning all … Read more

Reader Damns Consumerism, Christmas Trees

With my Thanksgiving editorial, I urged people to piss off a liberal and buy something on Black Friday. And amazingly enough, it worked! In an e-mail succinctly entitled Go To Hell Kenneth an irate reader took me to task for my editorial. The e-mail wasn’t signed, so I don’t know who wrote it (and to … Read more

Explore Frodo’s World with the Guide to Middle Earth 2003 Calendar

Once some fans encounter J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-Earth, they never truly leave it, choosing instead to keep exploring the myriad, mystical depths of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. The rest of us though, could use some help staying in touch with the land of Frodo. The Guide to Middle Earth 2003 calendar does exactly that.’,NULL,8,NULL,’ … Read more

Coca-Cola Promises Free Soda for Forwarding E-mail

Why buy the world a Coke, when you can just forward an e-mail? That question’s at the heart of an e-mail hoax that promises free cola for fowarding a certain e-mail around the Net. Here’s the original e-mail: Date Captured: April 17, 2000 Subject: FREE COCA COLA FOR A MONTH Coca-Cola is offering four free … Read more

Thirty-One and Still a Geek

Well, it’s official. I’m 31. Doesn’t seem all that different from 30, aside from that whole “one year older” thing, and even that’s not a big deal. I may be a year older, but I’m also a year closer to where I want to be … and who I want to be. Aside from the … Read more

Thoughts on Fading Suns d20

After years of talking about it, we finally ran our first game of Fading Suns last week. It was a Wednesday night session run by one of the guys in my gaming group, Damon Agretto, in his first outing as a game master for the group, and it went pretty damn well. We’re using the … Read more

Model Railroading: A Hobbyist Reborn

When I was a kid, I used to fantasize about trains. Specifically HO-scale model trains, the kind that the truly talented can use to create massively-detailed miniature worlds, and which I used as a mode of transportation for my G.I. Joe guys (not to mention as a timely plot device for rescuing Scarlett from danger … Read more

The Manly Art of Power Tools

I’ve noticed a few changes in myself since Sue got pregnant which my wife ascribes to a combination of surging testosterone and nesting instinct. I’ve found myself with a growing desire for an honest-to-God work bench, an admiration of power tools, and a hankering to watching professional football. As a result, I went out and … Read more