So that plan I had for GenCon to hit the gym every morning before my games started? Yeah, that didn’t work out so well. Combined with 11 days of family vacation including lots of good food, but not a lot of hard exercise, GenCon saw me gain six pounds.
That’s about what I expected, especially considering how much beer and steak I had once I got to the actual convention. Now I just need to get to the gym and start working it off again. That’s something of a challenge now, as the college is in session again, and I’m competing with students for exercise equipment during the late afternoon rush. I may have to change my schedule around again to work out at 3 p.m. and then head back to the office to finish up email and other tasks I don’t need to do face to face, or try and go later in the evening, when the students aren’t there.
Either way, I’m falling behind on my audio “reading” — it’s been weeks since I touched American Gods and I’m itching to get back to the weird world where Norse gods walk the earth…